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FIHRM Oslo 2022

Date: 21 September
Venue: The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies (HL-center)

Welcome to the HL-center and day three of FIHRM Oslo 2022, which concludes the official conference programme. Join us for plenary talks, inspirational parallell sessions, exhibition tours and a workshop.

Note: Schedule given in Central European Time (equals UTC+02:00)

09.00–09.45 Bus from city center. Registration, tea & coffee.

09.45–10.00 Welcome, by Guri Hjeltnes, director HL Centre

10.00–11.15 Plenary session 6: “Room for minorities? Intersections between government and museums, and the power to define

  • "There Is No" / "Sámi Dáiddamusea", Jérémie McGowan, curator and former museum director.
  • “Do they know us?”, Emma Eliane Oskal Valkeapää, Sami Path finders.
  • “Generations of collaboration practices: the cases of  the Congolese and Somali diasporas in the Oslo Museum of Cultural History”, Tone Cecilie Karlgård, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo.
  • Plenum, questions and comments. Moderator: Claudia Lenz, the HL-center

11.15–12.00 Exploring exhibitions at the HL Centre (groups/stations)

12.00–13.00 Lunch

13.00–14.00 Parallel sessions: “Sharing good practices”

Session A:  "Exploring minority rights through art"

  • "Meet me at the River, an exhibition by Migrant Artist Mutual Aid", Mithila Ramagavigan, National Museums Liverpool
  • “Developing Trust and Mutual Understanding through Co-Creating Process – An Example from Green Island Art Festival in Taiwan”, Vita Wu, National Human Rights Museum, Taiwan
  • “Beyond Single Narrative: A Case Study of ‘Shared Journeys’ Exhibition”, Lin Chihyu, Asian and Pacific Sites of Conscience Network.
  • Plenum, questions and comments. Moderator: Ingvill Thorsen Plesner, the HL-center.

Session B:  "Museums, resistance and documentation"

  • Video/online “AMA y No Olvida, Museo de la Memoria contra la Impunidad”, Emilia Yang Rappaccioli, AMA y No Olvida, Museo de la Memoria contra la Impunidad, Nicaragua (exile in the USA)
  • “Memorial Museum of the Dominican Resistance. Community building and support”, Laura Pérez Díaz, Memorial Museum of the Dominican Resistance, Dominikanske Republikk
  • “The New Tibet Museum”, Tenzin Topdhen, The Tibet Museum (exile in India)
  • Plenum, questions and comments. Moderator: Anton Weiss-Wendt, the HL-center.

14.15–15.15 Workshops

  • In/visible – everyday racism in Norway: an exhibition. Led by Daniel Mohammed Ansari, educator, HL-center & Mona Abdel-Fadil, researcher II, HL-center
  • Democratic preparedness for prevention of racism, group-based hostility and antidemocratic attitudes – how can museums contribute in teacher training programs. Led by Ingun Steen Andersen, DEMBRA senior adviser, HL-center & Elise Grimsrud Christensen, educator and DEMBRA adviser, HL-center.
  • La instalación. Led by Marina Sala, Rosario Memory museum, Argentina.

15.15-15.30 Break

15.30-16.30 Plenary session 7: “Whose story? Mass atrocities and human rights violations addressed in exhibitions”.

  • “Lived experiences in curatorial work: the cases of “The Centre of 22nd July” in Norway and the “Museo Casa de la Memoria” in Columbia”, Mari Møystad, senior curator, ANNO Museum, Norway.
  • “Holocaust in Norway and the genocide on Norwegian Roma: including the story of Norwegian Roma in an existing Holocaust exhibition.”, co-presentation by the HL-Center and Romano Kher. With Guri Hjeltnes, director HL-center.
  • Questions and comments. Moderator: Carl Emil Vogt, the HL-center.

16.30-17.00 Closing statements

Farewell message from the organizers and FIHRM board.

17.00–18.00 Optional: Refreshments and mingling

18.30–19.30 Optional: Dinner at Norsk Folkemuseum (Café Arkadia), Bygdøy

Return to city center by bus.

Programme might be subject to unforeseen changes.

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